Elemental Elves 1: Horse Play
by Mary Winter
Available now from Changeling Press!
cover art by Reneé GeorgeISBN (10): 1-59596-638-2 ISBN (13): 978-1-59596-638-4Genre(s): Urban FantasyTheme(s): Shapeshifters, ElvesLength: Novella (12k - 28k words)


Naming her new horse Flynn after the actor famed for his pirate movies proves prophetic for Clarice. The golden horse dumps her, breaking her arm, and ruining her chance for prize money at the next horse show. Prize money she needs in order to expand her therapeutic riding farm.
Sent to Clarice’s farm to teach her how to have fun, Flynn D’Artange, an Earth Elf with the ability to shapeshift into a horse, takes his work seriously. When his exuberance overcomes good sense, and he bucks Clarice off, he’s faced with the task of completing his mission, and winning her forgiveness. He’s willing to do what it takes, including invade her dreams and show her that the perfect place for horse play is in the bedroom.
Clarice needs to forgive herself. Flynn needs forgiveness from Clarice. Can these two different individuals overcome their pasts to create a future?

To Purchase or for More information including an excerpt: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=527

Another excerpt can be found at http://www.marywinter.com/book_horse_play.htm

and to learn more about the Elemental Elves - http://www.elementalelves.com/


Anonymous said...

Congrats Mary!

Way to go!